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Crown Lengthening Procedures

Crown Lengthening Procedures

Crown Lengthening Procedures are commonly performed to reshape the gum tissue, and sometimes the underlying bone, to expose more of a tooth's structure. This procedure is often necessary when a tooth needs a new crown or other restoration, which requires more of the tooth to be exposed for effective treatment. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes to correct a 'gummy smile,' where an excessive amount of gum tissue covers the teeth. The procedure involves reshaping the gum and bone tissue to create a more balanced, aesthetically pleasing smile. It's performed under local anesthesia, and the recovery period depends on the extent of the surgery. Post-operative care is important for ensuring proper healing and includes following the dentist's instructions on oral hygiene and diet. Crown lengthening can significantly enhance the appearance of the smile and is also crucial for the success of restorative dental procedures. It's a safe, effective treatment that can make a significant difference in both the function and aesthetics of a person's teeth.

Crown lengthening reshapes gum tissue and bone to expose more of a tooth, necessary for restorative procedures and improving aesthetics. It's beneficial for both functional dental restoration and enhancing smile appearance.

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