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Endodontics is a dental specialty focused on the treatment of the dental pulp and tissues surrounding the roots of a tooth. The most common endodontic procedure is a root canal, which involves treating the inside of the tooth when the pulp becomes infected or inflamed. Endodontic treatments are essential for saving teeth that might otherwise need to be extracted. These procedures relieve pain caused by pulp inflammation or infection, allowing patients to keep their natural teeth. Advanced technologies like digital imaging and specialized instruments make these treatments more efficient and comfortable. An endodontist's expertise is particularly valuable in complex cases or when previous dental treatments have not resolved a patient's problems. After endodontic treatment, patients typically return to their general dentist for a crown or other restoration to protect the tooth and restore it to full function. Regular dental visits and good oral hygiene are important for maintaining the health of a tooth following endodontic treatment.

Endodontics, primarily involving root canal treatment, is essential for preserving natural teeth affected by internal damage or infection. It relieves pain and maintains oral health by saving teeth that might otherwise need extraction.

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