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Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery

Oral Surgery encompasses a range of procedures aimed at treating various diseases, injuries, and defects in the oral cavity. Common oral surgeries include wisdom teeth removal, dental implants, corrective jaw surgery, and treatment of gum diseases. These procedures are performed by specialized dental professionals and are essential for resolving complex dental issues, relieving pain, and improving overall oral health. Wisdom teeth removal is one of the most common oral surgeries and is necessary when these teeth are impacted or cause crowding. Dental implants surgery involves placing a titanium post into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. Corrective jaw surgery corrects a range of skeletal and dental irregularities, improving chewing, speaking, and breathing. Gum surgeries address periodontal issues and can include grafting to treat gum recession. Oral surgeries often require anesthesia, and the recovery period varies depending on the procedure. Post-operative care is crucial for a successful recovery and includes following the surgeon's instructions, maintaining oral hygiene, and attending follow-up appointments. While oral surgery can be daunting, advances in techniques and pain management have made these procedures more comfortable and effective than ever.

Oral surgery addresses complex dental issues like wisdom teeth extraction and corrective jaw surgery, enhancing oral health and function. These procedures are crucial for resolving serious dental conditions and improving quality of life.

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